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This is a snack produce majorly in the northern state of Nigeria. It is made from groundnut . Any spicy of groundnut can be use . For economic purpose such as extraction of oil , there are the better type which are smaller in sizes.

Groundnut cake(kulikuli)has great economic advantage . from the groundnut you can extract oil which can be use for frying and cooking purposes.The oil alone can bring back a great return of your expenses.

Groundnut cake (kulikuli) has a fine taste of groundnut which can be taken along side with other foods like corn pap or alone. This snack need packaging for a large commercial purpose.

If you want to know how to prepare this snack you can make a request of the recipe at aikoyevictor@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog you've got. I'm particularly happy that an African blogs on African delicious snacks. Thank you


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